So much to do, so little time
I know how it is, you start the month deciding that you’ll do better this month. You’ll stick to a grain-free and refined-sugar-free diet. You’ll have a vegetable, fermented food, and quality protein at every meal.
And then…
Life happens.
You get asked to drive for the field trip.
But then your oldest child gets sick, so you have to call all the other moms in the class that you know to get them to cover for you
Meanwhile, you’ve forgotten to thaw meat for dinner, haven’t made a grocery list so you can’t send someone else out shopping for you, and you end up resorting to the same less-than-nutrient-dense recipes that you always do.. or you spend money that you could be spending on high quality groceries on low-quality convenience food.
It’s 5:00 and I don’t know what we’re eating for dinner yet, but I want to feed my family better…
I know you do, I do too! When I had to put my daughter on the GAPS diet for health issues, I saw a night and day difference in not only her health, but our entire family’s health.
It was a struggle to remember what food we could and couldn’t eat when we were in the grocery store.
It was a struggle to not just serve scrambled eggs and bunless hamburgers over and over again, because once again it was 5:00 and I hadn’t had time to think through what we’d have for dinner.
It was a struggle to even write out a grocery list, or find the recipes that I had pinned… having a family member (or yourself) with health issues is HARD, and the unexpected always pops up and thwarts the hour or two you set aside each week to gather recipes, plan your meals, and make out your shopping list.
Menu Plans Keep Your Kitchen Organized and Save Your Sanity
When all you have to do is print, stick the menu overview on the fridge with a magnet, and stick the pre-made grocery list in your purse on your way out the door- you’re 90% of the way to having healthy grain-free meals that help your digestion, heal your body, help you lose weight, and get the energy you need to do everything you want in life!
Having a plan is essential for keeping your kitchen organized and your mind sane.
You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.Zig Ziglar
What are we all short on? Time. Money. Health.
When we have recipes at our fingertips that are tried and true, we make sure we consume the beautiful health-giving produce and meat that we just purchased at the grocery store.
This leads to…
… Less waste in the kitchen
…. Money saved in both healthcare costs and spoiled food
….. Time to spend with our family that we aren’t spending tracking down that one recipe that we wanted to try, or stopping by the grocery store every other day to pick up what we forgot to get 2 days ago
How Grain-Free Meal Plans Will Save Your Kitchen
Included is everything you need to save time and money in the kitchen while still preparing delicious nutrient-dense grain-free meals for your family:
- A weekly overview that can be posted on your fridge for easy reference and to answer the , ‘mom! What’s for dinner?!’ question
- Recipes for every dish served in easy printable format.
- Recipes for busy families that are GAPS and SCD friendly, gluten free and casein free, and with optional dairy for those who do eat dairy.
- 3 meals a day, 7 days a week included, plus snacks for 4 weeks every month!
- Grocery lists and recipe indexes for easy reference.
- Less than 50 cents a day to take all the work out of meal planning!
Starts at just 7/month!
Try risk free!
Sign up for my free newsletter and get a 3-day complete sample in your email immediately! Look it over, and try it out, show it to your friends (they’ll love it!).
Why I Started Grain-Free Meal Plans
When my daughter was three and had significant delays, I read about how a grain free diet (GAPS) could help with learning and developmental disabilities like autism.
I was overwhelmed, but I knew we had to try it. She’s my baby, and I wanted to give her the best chance possible in life. Since she has been on a grain and sugar free diet we have seen amazing improvements in eye contact, balance, ability to learn, speech, and emotional regulation. When specialists seemed to be at a loss for what would help my child, I was able to quickly see progress by using dietary intervention, which also allowed her to better use other therapies such as occupational and speech therapy. I can safely say that of all the therapies we’ve tried, dietary intervention has been the most helpful. No, we haven’t ‘cured’ autism- but I continue to see such progress with her, that I am excited to continue keeping her on this grain free diet.
It hasn’t been easy, but the results encourage us every day to stay on this diet.
I have always wished that someone could just tell me what to cook every day. I wanted to find a way to make it easier for other families to try a grain free diet.
What I’ve got for you
Grain Free Meal Plans, a menu service, includes:
- Menu plans for 3 meals a day, 7 days a week, plus snacks and sweets
- Kid-tested recipes
- Complete shopping lists
Meals are based on the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet and Specific Carbohydrate Diet diets.
Such detail and help!
WOW I haven’t even made a meal yet and I am sooooooooo impressed. I didn’t expect such detail and help. I thought it was just menus. But, the grocery list and looking ahead and preparing for the next day blew me away. I am so excited! Thanks !!
No more worrying about planning!
My mom calls it ‘mind clutter’- the thoughts that go around and around in our heads; did we buy enough fruit this week, what’s for dinner?, when will I have time to look up new seasonal recipes? With Grain-Free Meal Plans your cluttered mind will get a break for just pennies a day!

Less Waste!
I like how you don’t waste anything, and I like how economical and practical you are, and I just really enjoy the recipes, I think you are brilliant and would love to hear tips on how you manage! (you must be a first-born!) {note from Cara: I am the oldest ~grin~}
The Grain Free Meal Plan has:
- Food that can be made by busy families
- Packable lunches for busy schedules
- Child and husband friendly meals
- Nutrient dense foods including liver and fish at least once a week as recommended by the Weston Price Foundation
- Simple alternatives to expensive gluten free mixes
- Directions to remind you to soak, sprout, and do other preparations ahead of time
- Fermented foods to encourage the growth of healthy bacteria
- Cooking tips and tricks- all recipes have been tested multiple times in my own kitchen
Such a great resource
I have been following your blog for a while now, used your Intro ebook, and signed up with the meal plan. This is such a great resource for me! Thank you for providing a wealth of information, especially in subjects that are hard to find (like bf while on GAPS intro). I use your recipes daily, and I am always thumbing through the previous months, so I am really excited to hear that you will have a cookbook available. Thank you for making the recipes easy to follow, simple, and useful for those of us with basic ingredients at home. That is a tremendous help when cooking for a family of five with all the little ones under 5! Blessings to you, Cara, and keep up the good work you share! ~ Marisa

These are for the busy cook
I know, as a mom or even just as a home cook we’re all busy! It seems like we should be able to jot down a menu plan the way our mothers or grandmothers do, but when you’re on a special diet it’s not that simple. We have to be able to plan ahead so we can make bulk orders of beef from the rancher, coconut oil from the mail order company, and produce from our local farms.
Add in a career, children, special needs, illness, and more, and it’s no wonder we don’t have time to menu plan! That’s why I’m offering you these affordable menus, they’re something every grain free family will appreciate.
“Thank you very much, Cara, for offering your menus. I will definitely pass them on.” Margaret Beeson, ND and DAN! doctor The Full Collection contains all 12 months, Holiday meal plans, and paperback copy of The Best of the Grain Free Meal Plans Cookbook (US only) Included:
- A weekly overview that can be posted on your fridge for easy reference and to answer the , ‘mom! What’s for dinner?!’ question
- Recipes for every dish served in easy printable format.
- Recipes for busy families that are GAPS and SCD friendly, gluten free and casein free, and with optional dairy for those who do eat dairy.
- 3 meals a day, 7 days a week included, plus snacks!
- The holiday meal planner, with instructions for all major holidays, plus a day to use up leftovers after Christmas and Thanksgiving!
- FREE BONUSES: A pdf sheet on how to source grain free ingredients, and a paperback cookbook with our favorite recipes that will arrive in the mail within 10 days of purchase!
30-Days No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee
I’m so sure that this meal plan will make your life so much easier that I’m offering a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee! If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, email me within 30 days of purchase for a full refund! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`