With my scatteredness (I’ll blame that on the kids) I never really got around to explaining what The Maker’s Diet is about. Now that both kids are asleep, I think I should be able to give a review.

The Maker’s Diet is by Jordan S Rubin and it explains his story of severe digestive problems, not being able to find an effective treatment with modern mainstream medicine or alternative medicine, but finally being healed by following a diet that the Lord Himself gave us. He advocates the use of whole foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, meats, and milk. He shuns modern food like white flour, artificial sweeteners, as well as what as described as ‘unclean’ in the Bible; pork, some birds (still need to look that up), and sea life that doesn’t have fins or scales (no shell fish). He talks about the missing microorganisms that populate our gut to help us digest our food, and how they have been depleted by modern food production techniquies and lack of playing in the dirt as children. It isn’t about counting calories or fat grams or points. It’s a method for over, under, and just the right weight people. It’s not about weight loss, it’s about eating in a way that is best for the body.

If you are a Christian reading this, you may find yourself bristling at me. All things are clean for me, isn’t that what Paul said? Yes. I believe that. I believe that eating pork is not a sin. I do believe that our Creator, who designed us, also wrote an instruction manual for us, and that by following his food suggestions, we will be blessed with better health.

I remember the spring after I was married, I wanted to surprise my new husband and mow the lawn for him. Being familliar with lawn mowers, I started up the mower and started cutting. By the time I got half way through the front lawn, I was out of gas. So I went into the garage, got the gas can, and filled the mower. I was pretty pleased with myself and went on to continue mowing the grass. The mower was running a little oddly, but I thought that was because it had just sat over the winter. When I went to shut it off and put it back in the shed, it wouldn’t shut off. I shook it. I kicked it. It still was running. I called my husband, no answer. Called my most mechanically minded friend. No answer. Called my brother-in-law, he answered and told me how to ‘choke’ the engine to shut it off. When my husband came home and I told him of my adventure and about the stupid mower that didn’t run, he informed me that there was diesel in the gas can. I didn’t suspect that, since we didn’t have a diesel vehicle. But that’s why the mower kept running and wouldn’t do what it was supposed to. He asked me why I couldn’t smell the difference, but I wasn’t familliar with the different smells of gasoline and diesel. When a few years later we went on to get a diesel truck, he was pretty wary to let me fill it up at the gas station for quite a while…

Our bodies are like the mower. We can function okay on processed junk food, and we can plug through our tasks. And at first, like how I was unable to tell the different smells of gasoline and diesel, we may not really see a difference between good food and bad food. But once your body is used to the good stuff, you will quickly be able to tell what will make you function at your highest capacity. But if all you ever have known is ‘diesel’, it’s hard to believe. And that is why I encourage you to look into The Maker’s Diet. If you’re not sure and don’t want to spend yet another $10 on a diet book to sit on your shelf, borrow it from the library and give it a look over, or buy it super cheap on Amazon’s used books section (I did both of those).

Follow along with me by subscribing, and I’ll try to show you my every day meals that incorporate these principals. 

Everything I post is Maker’s-diet friendly, other than what’s labeled ‘confessions‘.  Nourishing Traditions is a great resource as well, though if you’re new to real whole foods I recommend The Maker’s Diet to start out with since Nourishing Traditions is a lot to take in all at once.  The Maker’s Diet is unashamedly Christian, so if that puts you off, Eat Fat Lose Fat is a good book to start with.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and want to try The Maker’s Diet, I would encourage you to go all the way to his ‘phase 3’ and skip the lower-carb first and second phases.  For more intense weight loss, starting as he describes from the beginning should work well!  I personally gained 65 lbs with each of my pregnancies, and lost the weight easily by sticking with a real whole foods diet.  I incorporated plenty of healthy fats, carbs, and protein and felt completely satisfied.

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