Banana pancakes - gluten free grain free paleo SCD GAPS

Banana pancakes, more like sweet little crepes, are so easy with just four ingredients! I wasn’t sure how well I’d like the banana with egg, so I hadn’t tried these though I’ve been hearing about them since we started eating without grains.  Kat finally convinced me to try them :) They taste great, the banana/egg combination isn’t weird at all. I fried in palm kernel oil, though coconut oil or butter would work just fine too.

Simple ingredients:

  • Two eggs
  • An extra ripe (yellow all over with lots of brown spots) banana.  Mine was in the freezer; I thawed it a couple hours so it could be mashed easily.
  • Butter, coconut oil, palm kernel oil, or ghee for frying. (Buy Butter or Coconut Oil here)

Simple Directions:

Heat 1 tablespoon oil or butter in a cast iron or stainless steel skillet over medium-low heat.  Mash banana with a fork. Whip in eggs and combine with a fork.  Use a tablespoon to spoon the batter into the oil. Flip once set.  The ones up top got more brown because I forgot about them, below they are cooked through without being browned.

Plate of pancakes

See the bright orange palm kernel oil? It’s rich in beta carotene and the most often used oil in the rest of the world.  I just got a quart to try- I like it especially to brighten up otherwise bland-looking food!

These simple pancakes are suitable for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and the Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet – both diets work at restoring health through gut healing. Find out more about the benefits of a grain free diet at The GAPS Diet Online Store.

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