I bought the kids tooth brushes at the health food store, since I was determined to find ones that didn’t have a character on them, and everywhere else had characters on them. Sorry, don’t want Dora in my bathroom ;)
I’ve been using tooth soap (researched and wrote about it here, other dental posts here) for about a month, and have passed a tube on to a friend to try too. I honestly love it and I don’t plan on going back to other regular tooth pastes ever.
At first I was really surprised at how it wasn’t as soapy as I was expecting. I even brush my tongue with it now. It is still soap, but not nearly as soapy as I thought it would be. My toddler doesn’t mind it either, I use it to brush her teeth too.
It leaves my teeth feeling so so clean, and since the remineralization process seems to essentially be from your God-made saliva working on clean teeth, I really think this tooth soap will help completely clean off the teeth to allow the saliva to do it’s job. Glycerin, commonly found in natural tooth pastes is said to leave a coating on the teeth that lasts for a long time, and may inhibit the saliva from actually getting to the teeth themselves.
I’m able to tell if I missed any spots when brushing easily too, they feel different. I did end up switching to a softer tooth brush, which works better at not leaving any unbrushed spots. I usually buy soft bristled brushes, but maybe the one I was using was a medium? I just got the soft one from Shopko, nothing fancy, and it made a big improvement.
I try to remember to not eat anything for a while after brushing to give my saliva time to work uninterrupted on my teeth. I have the hardest time remembering to do this, especially in the morning. I brush after I finish my coffee and breakfast, and then at least half the time I catch myself eating part of an apple that I’m cutting up for my toddler, or cutting off a piece of a muffin that’s sitting out on the counter – within an hour of brushing my teeth. And before bed… by the time the stars are all aligned (dog has gone out, baby is changed, dishwasher is started…) and I’m ready to go to bed, I’m embarassed to admit that way too often I completely forget to brush my teeth. I’m working on this.
I’ve also noticed that my teeth are more sensative if I drink more coffee. One cup in the morning doesn’t seem to make a difference, but if I have another iced coffee in the afternoon, my teeth seem a little more sensative that night and the next day. In Nourishing Traditions Sally Fallon mentions that coffee can deplete calcium and cause osteoperosis. I’m attempting to cut back on coffee, but I’m not planning on giving it up completely any time soon.
When I was at the dentist last, he said I had quite a few surface cavities. On the way home from errands one day I was feeling around with my fingernail and at the gumline of each ‘bottom eye tooth’ I felt a little cavity and had a little pain when I would run my fingernail over it. Since using tooth soap for a month I can still feel an indentation with my nail, but there is no pain. Hmmm. To me this is a sign that it’s working, I’m curious to see if the cavities fill in completely over the next year.
I’m using Rose of Sharon Acres’ Tooth Chips- Soap for Teeth. I like the shavings because it keeps tooth brush germs off of the soap. Also, her flavorings (I like peppermint the best so far) are stronger, so the soap taste is much less.
You can buy a sampler here
Or buy the peppermint here
The code HealthHomeHappy gives you a 12% one-time discount on her tooth care products, excluding sample sizes.
Does anyone else use tooth soap? What do you think?
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WOW! You can actually cure your cavities yourself?!!?? Amazing! I think I’ll have to try that tooth soap one day…
Just a note, in the book Cure Tooth Decay Naturally by Rami Nagel, he claims that your internal sugar level greatly affects your calcium, phosphorous, magnesium balance, which is what builds your teeth (remineralization). He says that after eating refined sugar your balance is off for up to 8 hours. After eating fruit its off for up to five hours. That may be contributing to your sensitivity, if you are consuming any sort of fruit in that coffee.
I also have sensitive teeth, and *worse than you seem to be* I have a mouth full of rot. I discovered that when I drank raw milk, and stuck to the NT diet strictly, and absolutely avoided sugar, honey, etc, my smaller cavities began to heal, and I had no more sensitivity to hot and cold.
Whenever I go back to the sugar, or stop the raw milk, or go back to processed foods, the cavities worsen, and the sensitivity comes right back.
How are those cavities doing?
I know it’s been several years. Do you have an update on the cavities? Did they heal themselves?