pineapple upside down cake

This is a part of Grain Free Baking Week at Health, Home, and Happiness! We are baking a few recipes from the Nourished Kitchen Guide to Grain Free Baking and Treats.

Coconut Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

Serves 12

My children were so impressed with this cake, and honestly so was I! It’s cooked in a cast iron skillet, which gives it a golden brown crust that is delicious.  “A flower cake!” my daughter said when I flipped it out, yes, it’s a flower cake, I love that sweet girl.  This recipe from Nourished Kitchen is sweet and filling and has a beautiful presentation, be sure to bake this when you have company.



  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. Whisk coconut flour, blanched almond flour, and seasalt together.  Beat in coconut milk, 3/4 cup honey, eggs, and vanilla and then continue to beat them together until no IMG_0129clumps remain.
  3. Melt coconut oil in a 12-inch cast iron skillet over moderately high heat.  Whisk in remaining 1/4 cup honey. When the honey and coconut oil foam and bubble, gently arrange pineapple into the skillet. Place dried cherries in the center of each pineapple ring and around the rings.  Turn off the heat, pour inthe cake batter, and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour in an oven preheated to 350 F or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
  4. Allow the cake to cool for 5-10 minutes before inverting on a platter and serving.



The Grain Free Baking is a guide includes Pineapple upside down Gluten and Grain Free Cake90+ recipes for breads, biscuits, scones, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, blondies and tons more all in an instant download! The guide is print friendly too. Click here to learn more!


See the other recipes we made here: Pineapple Upside-Down CakeApricot Almond BarsSpiced Apple Crisp, and Apple Cinnamon Doughnuts. And read more about what the GAPS book says about sweets here.

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