Stevia is a natural calorie free sweetener, acceptable for those on anti-yeast, ketogenic, or low carb diets. I’m not a huge fan of the flavor of stevia, but adding a pinch of salt, vanilla, and lemon extract to this jello gave it a variety of flavors that work well with the stevia.

The gelatin is from healthy cows and is a good source of amino acids (protein). I don’t have any real studies, but I find when my children regularly consume about 1 teaspoon of gelatin a day their dry-weather induced nose bleeds completely stop.

The coconut milk in this recipe is a great source of medium chain fatty acids, and coconut also has antimicrobial properties.

Let food be your medicine…

My children actually don’t like jello (one of the few foods they don’t like) so I freeze this in popsicle molds (available here) for them and they still get the gelatin health benefits. For a quick on the go snack, chill the jello mixture in lidded single serving containers.

Low Carb GAPS Friendly Coconut Jello

Makes 8  servings

1-1/2 cups filtered water (buy water filters here)
1 can coconut milk (buy here)
5 tablespoons beef gelatin from grassfed cows (buy here)
5 servings (scoops) powdered stevia (buy here)
1 pinch sea salt (buy here)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon lemon extract (buy here)


Directions: Bring water and coconut milk to a simmer over medium heat.  Add gelatin, stevia, salt, and extracts. Stir with a whisk or a fork (fork is easier to clean, that’s what I use!) every few minutes for 10 minutes, or until all gelatin lumps have broken up.  Pour into bowls, cups, or popsicle molds.  Chill and serve when set.  The fatty layer of the coconut separates a bit from the liquidy part, but it still all tastes great.


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