Weight gain, thyroid, and mercury are all linked to affect each other. The thyroid (and pituitary gland, but we’re talking about thyroid here) is shown to hold proportionally more mercury than other parts of the body.
This mercury blocks the thyroid hormone, which in turn can cause weight gain.
A 2014 paper in J Prev Med Public Health states,
“The thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body. The thyroid controls how quickly the body burns energy, makes proteins, and how sensitive the body should be to other hormones. Like the pituitary, the thyroid displays an affinity for accumulating mercury. Mercury blocks thyroid hormone production by occupying iodine-binding sites and inhibiting or altering hormone action leading to the impairment of body temperature control, hypothyroidism, thyroid inflammation and depression ” (source)
How to detoxify mercury
Eliminating exposure, cleaning up your detoxification system (the gut, liver, kidneys, and skin). This is something that is an ongoing part of health.
The GAPS diet is top notch for maintaining and rebuilding gut health. Read more about the GAPS Diet here.
Eliminating exposure is important as well. Filtering, choosing safer products, and avoiding pollution as much as possible allow your body to do it’s job.
- Our Berkey Water Filtration System
- Natural Mattresses We Use for Passive Toxin Reduction
- Safer Makeup, Sunscreen, and Personal Care
A body with a healthy detoxification system will detoxify normal levels of mercury that is found in our environment (yes! our body is amazing, isn’t it?!)
However, once the metals have accumulated, it’s hard to get back on top of getting a healthy detoxification system. That’s because the very metals that we need our liver, kidneys, gut, etc to detoxify are slowed down and harmed by the heavy metals.
TRS for heavy metal removal
And we’ve been using Coseva’s Advanced Toxin Removal System (TRS) for the past 6 months with great results. TRS is a zeolite, that is super tiny so it goes into organs and through the body – not just the digestive system like clay does. It is an empty cage that attracts heavy metals by charge, and then the once they’re attracted, it contains (binds) them and the body excretes them easily, without them causing any more problems on the way out.
Learn details about TRS here: Heavy Metal Removal with Advanced TRS
Yes, TRS does detoxify mercury, even from the thyroid gland! Because they thyroid is so important for the body, even a little bit of heavy metal can wreak havoc on the entire body.
It’s not just the thyroid – mercury in other areas of the body, especially the digestive system, is linked to candida overgrowth, and with candida overgrowth also comes excess estrogen. Excess estrogen causes menstrual issues including irregular periods, and… you guessed it… weight gain.
Trouble losing weight or balancing hormones despite a healthy diet and exercise?
Click here to give TRS a try – choose preferred customer during checkout to receive a discount.
TRS doesn’t cause weight loss, but it does detox heavy metals that interfere with hormone production and absorption.
Andy Cutler Chelation is a great method to reduce Hg in the body and brain. It is a very slow and reliable method. I have been using it for 3+ years and have seen great success in ridding the body of Hg. The problem with TRS that I can see is it does not remove Hg from the brain. It looks like a promising method to remove the Hg from the gut, but does it cross the gut membrane and go into the blood?
Hi Trish, I’m gong to look into the Andy Cutler Chelation for sure – thanks for mentioning it. Yes, TRS is suspended in water so it can get anywhere that water gets. As far as crossing the blood brain barrier, they say it can, but I’m not super sure about it. I do know it crosses the gut into the organs and blood though.
I’ve done 30+ rounds of Cutler chelation and it is very tough: at the beginning when I had a lot of mercury it was a wild ride. Also, having to wake up every 3 hours to take the next dose is not fun.
I’m thinking of doing your TRS then might go back to Cutler.
For kids Cutler seems very harsh.
Cutler made my son regress so horribly! With TRS wet have had nothing but gains! Definitely much easier. We’ve just had to go very slow because it’s powerful stuff.