Is Our Gluten Problem Really a Folic Acid Problem?
Our culture is full of health problems. We are stressed, depressed, anxious, nutrient-deficient, and about half of the American population struggles with a chronic health problem. We don’t like to be this way- we all would like to enjoy long healthy...
Yes to Multivitamins (even if you have a healthy diet)
In health class many of us were taught that if we have a varied diet that includes a variety of ‘healthy’ foods, then our body will not be able to use a multivitamin, and we will just eliminate it as waste. Was this notion a way to support the food...
You Are Consuming Synthetic Folate (folic acid). This is where it’s hiding…
“Let’s take a look at your supplements…” I say to a friend who struggles with leaky gut, autoimmune problems, and attention deficit. “Can you text me pictures of the ingredient list and nutrition facts of them all?” Despite...