The role of heavy metals in autoimmunity (and how to treat)
How do heavy metals impact autoimmunity? This 2014 paper states: It is evident that heavy metals present serious risk to human health. Heavy metals are capable of altering the immune response; they have been implicated in influencing autoimmunity. In fact, they...
How Lupus Originates in the Gut: Autoimmune disease focus
It is an autoimmune condition that affects multiple body systems, causing pain and swelling of the joints, fevers, rashes, and many other difficult and unexpected symptoms. The tell-tale physical sign of lupus is a ‘butterfly’ rash across the face....
How Your Gut Flora is Keeping You Awake at Night {Holistic Sleep Solution}
Not being able to sleep causes frustration at night, impaired cognitive function, hyper alertness, cardiological and neurological decrease in function and mortality, mental health issues(1) immune system hinderance (2), obesity (3), and more. In our children lack of...
Your Bugs Are Screaming for Sugar (why gut microbes are making your kids PICKY)
Picky eating starts in most preschoolers as they learn that they don’t always agree with their parents. Picky eating almost always starts as a combination of asserting independence and ‘picky eating gut flora’. Unfortunately most methods of...