I got rid of my bed (and mattress!) to sleep on the floor
Has spring cleaning ever resulted in you getting rid of your bed and mattress… and not replacing it? This impulsive decision to try floor sleeping ended up being a great one for me. In Japan, as well as many other countries, floor sleeping is normal and common....
A Food Blogger’s Confession for 2021
Back in 2017 (!) I wrote a ‘confessional’ post about my reality as a food blogger vs what you see on the internet. With all the changes for everyone these past few years, I’ve been wanting to write an update. Here is my...
75 Hard Challenge and Phases
75 Hard is a mental fitness challenge by Andy Frisella of the Real AF* podcast . The 75-hard, part of the Live Hard Program has an initial challenge, which is 75 Hard. Then the Live Hard Program has 3 additional phases, all completed within one calendar year. The 75...
Safe and Natural Period Care for Teens and Women
Pads, tampons, wipes, and lubricated are advertised as being ‘for women’ frequently contain toxic chemicals known to cause cancers, reproductive harm, allergies and more. By choosing mainstream products, especially the brands that advertise heavily on TV,...