75 Hard Book Recommendations
In the 75 Hard program there is required reading: Read 10 pages in a self-development and/or entrepreneurial book each day. Audio books don’t count, though they make the two 45-minute workouts go faster. What is 75 Hard? 75 Hard is a mental fitness challenge by Andy...

75 Hard Challenge and Phases
75 Hard is a mental fitness challenge by Andy Frisella of the Real AF* podcast . The 75-hard, part of the Live Hard Program has an initial challenge, which is 75 Hard. Then the Live Hard Program has 3 additional phases, all completed within one calendar year. The 75...

Alcohol Lies
I stopped drinking, and realized the problem was alcohol, not me. I had fallen into the thinking that ‘moderate alcohol is better than no alcohol’ and I was wrong. Moderate alcohol didn’t work for me. I’m not the only one who got sucked into...

Review: Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health
Lies My Doctor Told Me by Ken Berry, MD is a must-read for everyone who wants to separate the facts from fiction regarding mainstream health advice. This engaging book tackles the big myths in mainstream medicine in an easy-to-understand science-backed style. Armed...