Easy! No corn syrup like supermarket ketchup, and it doesn’t carry the health food store price tag. Ketchup is a favorite for children and most adults due to the sweet taste- ‘tomato syrup’ is what I’ve heard it referred to among skeptics. Thankfully, with this recipe you’ll feel good about serving homemade ketchup as often as your family would like it.
Homemade ketchup
Combine all ingredients except the bay leaf in a medium saucepan over medium high heat, bring to a boil, stirring often. Add in bay leaf , reduce heat to medium-low, and allow the ketchup to simmer for 20 minutes or until desired thickness. If it quickly gets too thick, add in more stock to thin. Remove bay leaf.
These sauces, dips, and condiments all add good things to your diet. They’re so healthy you won’t even mind if your toddler decides to sneak a few sips out of the dip container rather than use it for its intended purpose.
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How long would this keep for?
I wondered the same.
It needs to be kept in the refrigerator, and I would use it within 2 weeks. You could freeze it in smaller containers though.
Okay here is a concept I haven’t seen and that is could one substitute watermelon, pumpkin, butternut or acorn squash for the tomato paste product. I have headaches after eating tomato products on several days so I am hoping this might work. I wonder you grilled these other substitute they will be even more enhanced with flavor. We could be on starting point for new flavor combinations. I will print your copy as a base this might be a salad dressing in disguise.
Can I use a water bath caner so that the ketchup can be left out on a shelf and not refrigerated?
You would still need to refrigerate after opening, but I think you could can it – I’d check with canning regulations though, I know the amount of acidity has to be pretty high and I’m not sure there’s enough vinegar in this recipe.
I love tomatoes and have tried it with pasta. Delicious taste.
Thanks for the recipe.
Do you have a recipe for homemade tomato paste?
Thank you
What kind of stock do you use? You do not specify.I have made fermented catsup with much of the same ingredients minus the stock. It keeps for a long time.
I use chicken or beef stock- whatever I have on hand :)
I call it tomato frosting
And most peanut butter; pb frosting
And most yogurts; tangy pudding
All are desserts
As are pancakes, waffles and French toast—not food but coma-inducing dessert