The salt and soaking make the almonds not too salty, and easier to digest. We do the same with pecans and it pulls out the slight bitterness that you expect from eating pecans. We buy one or two bags of nuts at Costco once a month and eat them as snacks all month long. I love them in muffins, breads, and cookies too.
These are okay for The Maker’s Diet phase one.

Crispy Almonds, Pecans, etc
- 1 + pounds raw almonds walnuts, cashews, etc
- 1 tablespoon unrefined sea salt
- filtered water to cover
To soak nuts: Place 2-3 lbs raw nuts in a large bowl (they will swell, so only fill 2/3 full, using another bowl if needed). Add 2 tablespoons sea salt and cover the nuts with filtered water. Allow to soak overnight at room temperature (on the counter). No need to cover.
To dry:
Drain in a colander and start dehydrating the nuts you soaked last night, or roast in a pan as low as your oven will go. Dehydrate all day.

I have a 1-1/2 gallon Berkey that I use to filter all our drinking water
*** For reminders to soak and dehydrate your nuts, as well as other preparation instructions needed for grain free meals, see Grain Free Meal Plans to save time in the kitchen!
(Purchase already soaked nuts and seeds here)
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So I am making crispy almonds from NT but my oven doesn’t go down to 150 degrees. I have them in the oven with the light on – but I’m not so sure this will do the trick. Been in over 12 hours and still have moisture and not crunchy. Any one have any suggestions/ideas?
I thought my oven only went down to 170, and that is true on the “bake” setting. But it also has a “keep warm” button that I can set even lower. Maybe yours has one?
I culture yogurt in my oven with just the light on. It’s surprising how much heat it puts off.
If your oven won’t go very low, you can always crack the door while it’s on the lowest heat level.
I might try putting them in the oven on whatever the lowest setting is. I do mine in the dehydrator now, but when I did them in the oven I think it usually took 12+ hours. They will crisp a little as they cool too.
I use my oven’s bread warmer —initially on high and then turned it lower as moisture evaporates to keep temp at 150 degrees.
Whenever I see instructions that say “soak overnight” I wonder how long they mean? I only my dehydrator overnight (not during the day) because I try to use any discretionary hydro during the low-peak time (we are on time of use hydro). If I soaked them for say 8 hours during the day would that be long enough or should I soak them longer? Would it be all right to soak them overnight and then lay them in the dehydrator but not turn it on until evening?
Has anyone used the hanging raw food non-electric pantry dryer to dry nuts? I just ordered one to try. Can one dry the nuts for crispy nuts at lower temperatures than 150?
Why is it important to soak the nuts before using?
Thanks for this! What temperature for the dehydrator ?
I usually just do them on high :)