Dill Pickle Gelatin – GAPS, keto
We forget that the healing powers of gelatin don’t have to come with sweet treats! This pickle gelatin is a simple savory gelatin that uses that probiotic-rich pickle juice that is probably sitting in your fridge because you can’t bear to throw out...
The No Plants Modification to the GAPS Diet
There is a little-known variation to the GAPS intro diet that is endorsed by Dr. Natasha herself and thousands of people have been finding success with. That is the No Plant version of the GAPS Diet. It is just as it sounds, only animal foods are consumed, and it is...
GAPS Intro Stage 3 Butternut Squash Pancakes
Butternut Squash pancakes are a favorite in this house, and a much-awaited addition to the tremendously healing GAPS Introduction diet. If you’re not on GAPS, squash pancakes are still good. A little more crumbly than wheat pancakes, but they would be a great...
GAPS Intro Stage 5 Applesauce
The sugars in fruit can be hard to digest, as well as feed yeast in the body’s system. For this reason, it is omitted from the GAPS Introduction diet for the first stages. In stage 5 we can introduce cooked peeled apples, topped with ghee. In my ebook What Can I...